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What are Natural Swimming Pools?

Natural swimming pools, also known as naturalistic pools, eco pools or biological pools, are a captivating fusion of sustainability and luxury. Natural pools are meticulously designed to function like a natural ecosystem, and look similar to naturally occurring bodies of water like ponds and lakes. Naturalistic pools often have features such as rocks, boulders, waterfalls, and are surrounded by plants and landscaping to create a natural, organic look. Natural pools can be built from the ground up or they can be converted from an existing in-ground pool.

What sets natural pools apart from other inground pools? Innovative technologies such as biological filters and circulation systems that eliminate the need for harsh chemicals. The water in a naturalistic pool is continually in motion, cleansed by the harmonious interaction of plants (such as water lilies and cattails), beneficial bacteria, and essential minerals. In natural pools, a traditional filtration system is replaced by what is called a “regeneration zone.” The “regeneration zone” acts like a wetland and is constructed next to the swimming area. It contains the biological filters (flora) that naturally filter the water, and a special pump or skimmer system that continuously circulates the water from the “regeneration zone” to the swimming area of the pool. The same flora used in the “regeneration zone” can also be planted in the main swimming area. 

Do Natural Pools Create a Habitat for Unwanted Pests?

While natural pools may attract insects and unwanted pests, these intruders don’t hang around for long. The moving, filtered water makes the environment inhospitable to them as mosquitos prefer standing water, and the undesirable fauna, such as snakes and frogs, soon realize that, unlike a natural pond, your eco pool will not provide them with a steady source of food. That said, natural pools are not a complete deterrent to curious, unwanted pests, and you should expect to skim your pool regularly.

Some Things to Keep In Mind if You’re Considering a Natural Pool


Natural pools are not only an eco-friendly option, they will reduce the overall time and cost you’ll spend on maintenance. For example, natural pools do not require the ongoing purchase of chemicals, a pool cover, or opening and closing. Additionally, you will not have to refill or empty your pool. While natural pools save you time and money in the long run, they are usually more expensive than other pools to create. 

Required Space

The “regeneration zone” often necessitates more land than a typical in-ground swimming pool. You’ll want to make sure  your yard can accommodate the required space needed to create a natural pool. Depending on your unique situation, you may have to forgo other outdoor amenities, like an outdoor kitchen or a larger patio, to properly accommodate a natural pool.

The Water

While the water in a natural pool is clean and safe to swim in, it will not have the same clear, blue tint as the chlorinated water in a typical in-ground pool. Depending on the algae concentration, the water in a natural pool will often appear slightly brown or green, just like the water in a very clear, actual pond.

Heating a Natural Pool

Since you cannot install a heater in a natural pool, some use solar panels to heat their pool. Another way to take advantage of the heat from the sun is to orient the pool towards the sun.