Why do I need to meet with a contractor for my estimate?

Only after a contractor thoroughly understands the scope of your project, including your build site, can he provide you with an accurate estimate and design. Collecting several bids from more than one contractor is an essential step in gathering enough information to make a knowledgeable choice about your project. We recommend meeting with and discussing your project with at least three builders. 

Even when contractors have specials or pool pricing on their website, you will need to meet with them to confirm those prices will apply to your unique build site. Meeting with builders in person is a great way to get a feel for the company you might choose to hire. As tempting as it may be to just go with the cheapest bid, it’s also essential you are compatible with the builder you will ultimately choose.

So, take the time to meet each contractor. Ask them all the questions you may have. Find out about their building process. Find out what they think about the designs you have in mind. We developed this comprehensive checklist What you should know before you talk to a builder to help you prepare for your first meeting with the contractor. Find more on our blog >>
